Commander’s Palace!


Hi Everyone!

I’m a day late in writing this post, but yesterday was a bad computer day when two of my three accounts stopped working.  By some miracle of cyberspace, they are all happy today!

So yesterday was my second day in “At the Beach” with Gail Stafford.  Despite missing two hours of class for conference calls, I think I made pretty good progress.  Gail was very understanding and walked me through what I missed.   If I hadn’t had the calls, at least part of the beach towel thrown over the left chair would have been stitched!


So this post gets its name from the restaurant where Carol made reservations for our whole NJNA contingent.  Cathryn had told Carol that this was one of the best restaurants in NOLA.


Carol heard that the shrimp remoulade was awesome, but it was only available on the tasting menu.  So, Carol asked and the chef agreed to make an exception; so three of our group ordered that.  I had a heirloom tomato salad with local ricotta and a basil sauce — it was so good that I used my bread to sop up every last drop!  For dinner I had the pecan crusted local gulf fish (sheepshead) in a saffron sauce with champagne-poached crab on top!


Is your mouth watering yet?

As we were getting into our taxi, a parade of lighted bicycles went by!  It was highly reminiscent of our first seminar in Philadelphia when we had the naked bicycle parade!  Apparently this is an every Tuesday and Thursday night occurrence in NOLA.  The picture is a bit blurry, but you get the idea!


Tomorrow is tour day — always my favorite day at seminar!  Sue and I have signed up for a tour of two plantations.  Stay tuned!

Cheers, Rosie

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