Day 2 of Sedona–Cathedral Rock


My canvas is looking good! I can see myself finishing this canvas as there is no section that has me questioning whether it is something that I can accomplish. We added more sections to the scene today, including the river edge–basketweave needed for a foundation for the river, a large shrub, rocks in the river, and the river. We discussed the sky which is stitched the same way as the river but different threads obviously. Since our classroom was so dark, Lois recommended that we wait to do more than establish the stitching for the river until we get home where there will be better light. Then we will be able to see the shading done with threads better. So now I have a second canvas that I can work on if we get that blizzard that keeps me home but does not interrupt the electric power!

Cathedral Rock

Tomorrow is tour day so there will be different pictures to see.



2 responses »

  1. I love seeing your progress, Sue. Is that it for that class? Are those trees, not windmills, just up from the river on the left? I still love the bluffs the most and the horizontal laying of the threads.

    • Yes, Heidi, those are trees. You can see the black lines (unstitched area) for the trunks. This is called the Vault Stitch.

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