An Unstitched Day


Today Diane and I took a day off from stitching to enjoy Chicago before we leave tomorrow. We went on the Chicago Architectural Foundation's “Frank Lloyd Wright by Bus”. It was a four hour tour in Oak Park. first we toured his home and studio and then took a walking tour in the gracious suburb that included six FLW designed homes amongst Queen Ann Victorians. What exquisite visuals. The walking tour ended at the Universalist temple that he also designed. We were back in the Loop by 1:30. We walked back to the hotel through Grant Park and particularly Millenium Park with the big reflective bean sculpture. Then we headed off to walk to Navy Pier and back. It was a lovely day for walking. When back at the hotel, I found out I won at the silent auction. This is what I got.

My Winnings

The canvas was five dollars and can probably fit in the leather bag insert. I'll bring it to our Sept meeting to show it off better. It a wonderful project bag.

Seems Like More than Fifty!

Rosie, Diane and I had an excellent dinner at Seasons 52. Then it was on to the Expo where I spent too much money. I bought Kathy Rees' Colorways, which I will take to Florida to stitch there. I did not stitch at all today but I did take a picture of my bagging of all the threads by states. I put the picture above instead of below. Sorry.

As Diane and I packed to leave for NJ tomorrow Diane realized the fireworks were going off over the lake at Navy Pier. We were too tired to walk it again, so we watched from our window. Diane took a shot of what we saw. Look to the right of the tall building in the middle of the picture to see the fireworks.

Red Fireworks

Diane's pedometer recorded over 18,000 steps for us today. I've had a great time these last six days. So long Chicago, hello New Jersey!


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