New Glory Day 3


Today is the last day of seminar. I will definitely miss my morning walks around the Woodly Park/Adams Morgan section of DC,.  Unlike at home where I only have 2 directions to walk, i had so many options around the seminar hotel that I was able to walk in a different direction each day.  This is one of the big differences between urban versus rural living about which I have mixed feelings.  While today was much warmer and definitely more humid, I still enjoyed the morning walk and know i need to continue it at home!

Today was day 3 of New Glory.  Since today’s stitches were the least complicated, we were able to cover the remaining 8 sections so we had touched on all the sections. If we wanted to put in the star in the top white box, we had to basketweave the 24 x 24 section last night after the banquet.  I managed to get about half done in an hour and a half since i was laying the stranded silk. Since i did have half done, i decided i could put in the gold overlay star on that half to get an idea of how it would look even though you don’t get the full idea of the star.  Here’s my progress at the end of today.  I have quite a bit to do so hopefully I’ll get back to this before too long as I really love the piece.

The camaraderie in this class was wonderful. I met many stitchers that i hope to reconnect with at future seminars.  While we all had some trouble at various times, we were all at the appropriate stitching level for this class and willingly helped each other when we couldn’t figure out something.

Since the exhibit was closing at noon today, i took a bit longer break this morning to go through it and to check out next year’s seminar offerings.  There are quite a few im very interested in taking. I did think there were less items in the exhibit so i think NJNA members need to think about submitting finished pieces for the exhibit. Perhaps we could arrange a bulk mailing next year.  I did see at least 2 possibilities for our 2019 SOTM.

After class, it was time to pack my belongings, say goodbye, and take the metro to Union Station for the train ride home.  I allowed plenty of time to figure out the metro (very easy), get a salad for dinner on the train (delicious), explore Union Station a bit (very fun), and find my train (again very easy).

I enjoyed my time at seminar even though it was very busy. I learned a lot and hope to finish both pieces in a reasonable amount of time. For now, I have several other projects with deadlines that take precedence!

#NewGlory #ToniGerdes #ANGseminar

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