Woodlawn Exhibit Teaser


I will write a full blog when I return home tomorrow. At least, that’s the plan but I’ve been seeing emails that our street is without power and it may not be restored until next weekend. Bummer! My daughter is home for Spring Break this week so let’s all hope JCPL gets to us soon.

I will say that the Exhibit is lovely.  There were 660 pieces in the show as well as two “Exhibits Within the Exhibit”.  More on that in the blog.

I encourage all of you to attend if you have the opportunity. It’s great to support our fellow stitchers. But, to tempt you even more, I will let you know that FIVE of the 19 pieces NJNA submitted won awards. And, one of our exhibitors won awards for BOTH pieces she submitted. How wonderful is that – to be so recognized by our peers!



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