Patches the Penguin Day 1


After a day of shopping and relaxing on Wednesday, it was “back to school” today to begin work on the piece that made this seminar a must for me. Patches the Patchwork Penguin is an adorable fellow. He is about 8 inches high when finished and is in shades of blue, purple and black plus white.

wpid-Photo-20151001174856993.jpgOur teacher, Deborah Forney, shared how she had the idea for Patches. He is based on a Christmas ornament she had made. The colors are based on a blend used by Kreinik in one of their braids.

The threads Debbie has put together are wonderful – very rich colors and plenty of sparkle.

Here is my progress today. My penguin only has one blue eye but I hope to give him two by tomorrow.

Now we are off to dinner at the fabulous Croissants

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