Two Puffins Etc.


Hi Everyone —

I have been so thrilled to read all of the posts from Sue C and Linda M and Heidi’s comments!  What a great way to share all of the wonderful needlepoint exhibits and classes going on!

I have just completed a two day pilot class with Ann Strite-Kurz called “Pair of Puffins Perched on  a Prominence” with the SBCANG group in Ontario, California!  I have so much to share about the wonderful experience.

First, to the SOTM group, Ann brought a copy of Ruby Razzle Dazzle with her so that I could start to plan an agenda for our SOTM.  The kits and the rest of the “instructions only” will be shipped when Ann gets back to her home in Michigan around the end of March.  She is excited to see what we do with our own colorways and I promised to share the results with her.  Most of the other pilot stitchers stopped by to look at the design and ooh and aah over how lovely it is!  I think we are going to have a great time stitching it!

Some of you have heard me say that my last name means “Puffin”.  This is most of the reason that I just HAD to take this class.  Besides it is such a cute piece.  I had bought a sweater with Puffins on it just to wear to class, but as it was in the 90’s both days, I had to beg off!

Ann helped to bring this alive by sharing her inspiration for the design as well as her reasoning for the choice of stitches.  I loved that this was a cross between a charted design and a painted canvas.  The design was a picture, but it was charted — how cool is that?

Puffins are an endangered species and Ann shared articles about conservationists who are helping to preserve the puffin.  And it is working!  Sue C — I know you would have loved all the naturalist trivia.

I couldn’t help but think of Diane as Ann shared the fundamental origin of her stitches and then showed how she modified them to create the effect that she wanted.  So the 3-1-3 of Nuboku became 4-4-2-2-4-4 in a double Nuboku pattern.  And by alternating threads, Ann created a wet feather look on the puffin’s wing.

Puffins -- End of Day 2!

Puffins — End of Day 2!

I can’t wait to show you all the embellishment that goes into this canvas — and it stitches up quickly.

The side borders are designed to be symbolic of lighthouses along the east coast of the US which is one area where puffins are found.  I learned some skills for doing blackwork while creating the beautiful patterned border.  I will also need to employ needle weaving to add a couple of starfish to the rock!

Any class where you can learn AND have fun is aces in my book!

The first class that I took with SBCANG in Ontario was Michael Boren’s “Frankie”.  So when I read Sue C’s post about Woodlawn, it was like coming full circle in our craft.  What a great time to be alive!

Cheers, Rosie

2 responses »

  1. What a wonderful post to read first thing in the morning. I can feel your joy Rosie and it is contagious. Can’t wait to see the piece. Maybe show and tell before it is finished? I want to see those wet wings up close. Heidi

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