American Plains


Hi Everyone —

Today was my first day of class.  I am taking American Plains with Toni Gerdes.  It is a kimono-style dress of the type worn by American Indians in the Plains.  Sort of like this one from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian.


Toni’s design is based on one that she saw in the Metropolitan Museum that was made of white leather that was painted bright sky blue.  When I arrived at class, the sign announced that the class was American Planes; it was fixed by lunchtime!


The Inspiration for American Plains

No one in the class appeared to be assigned as the class angel, so I volunteered.  Mainly my duties are to take attendance, keep track of time, and help Toni with anything that she needs.

We stitched steadily today, but I fear that my progress doesn’t reflect it.


American Plains — Day 1 Progress

Tonight was the Opening Banquet in which they announce the major award winners from the Seminar Exhibit.  NJNA couldn’t all manage to sit at one table, but I did get the group together for a picture.


The only face that you may not recognize is Moira C who used to be a member of our chapter and whose arm was twisted to join again!

I’ve been asked to let you know that Marge K is posting seminar updates on our NJNA Facebook Page:  NJNA Facebook Page.  (You might have to send a request to Sylvia via Facebook to join the group.)

Cheers, Rosie

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